Thursday, May 7, 2009

Turkey Soup

I finally managed to get out and hunt some of our SD Merriams. Rob Clarke accompanied me as I harvested this nice tom, since Cordie was busy trying to work food plots. We set up in our usual spot, but the turkeys had a different plan that morning. At about 10:00 AM we stepped out the blind to find them and sure enough they were making their usual loop, backwards. We had a close encounter with six hens, and then a few gobblers came nearly within range, but became a little suspicious. We crept back to the blind, and about 2:00 PM seven jakes and gobblers showed up and slowly made their way to our setup. This was intended to be an archery hunt, but when I failed to connect with the bow, I closed the deal with the shotgun. Not necessarily pretty, but I got the job done. Cordie, Brandon, and John Wayne still have their tags to fill, so hopefully we'll get a few more birds for the table and the hunting archive. Can't wait for another turkey breast hot off the grill. Hopefully, if things go right today I'll have a few fresh morel mushrooms to go with it.

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