Monday, May 11, 2009

A little run and gun with "bullsnake"

After another rain day on Friday, we made the most of Saturday, with several events for the whole family. We spent the morning stocking the ponds on the Preserve with bluegill and perch. The plan is to add some largemouth bass in the future, if the weather and work schedule cooperate. One way or another they will be added, but the way things are going I can't guarantee it will be me placing them in the pond, or getting in on the fun of catching the transfer fish.
We grabbed a bite to eat, and then made a split-second decision to try and fill our turkey tags. There was some talk about a round of golf with the ladies, but we knew if we used our time wisely we could get both hunting and golf in during the afternoon. We left the lodge about noon, and made a triumphant return about 3 PM with our remaining three turkey tags filled. After a couple of quick planning sessions we spotted the turkeys. Delvin (Cordie's brother) and I positioned ourselves to ambush the turkeys if Cordie spooked them. Well, Cordie certainly spooked them. After a quick stalk two turkeys fell with one shot. Delvin and I were unsure of what happened, and after a few minutes came out from our hiding spot. We quickly found another group of turkeys after conferring with Cordie and Robert. I quickly made my way down the creek to cut them off, but was too slow. I did manage though to catch up quickly and take a shot to put another gobbler down. He certainly wasn't the biggest of the bunch, but he was the closest and most suspicious.
On the way back to town Robert managed to get his new nickname after Cordie wrangled a four-foot bullsnake. Robert was quite hesitant, but Cordie eventually convinced him to hold the writhing snake. After nearly popping its' head off, Robert held on long enough to let the snake wrap up his arm and then he pitched it to the ditch to live another day. Rob "bullsnake" Clarke is still unsure what convinced him to hold that snake.
The day ended with a cool and windy, slightly wet round of golf. It wasn't pretty but the "Pros" (Cordie, Marlys, Delvin, Joann) beat the "Joes" (Jamie, Abby, Robert, Casey), but failed to capitalize on the ever important ninth (beer) hole. Back to the lodge we hurried for the feast which consisted of NY strips, wild turkey, wild rice, morels, and buffalo ribs. Add a little wine from Hogue winery and a fire in the pit, and you've got the perfect ending to a great day.

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