Tuesday, June 9, 2009

bluegills, bass, and perch... oh my !

I know it's been a while since my last post, but we have got a lot accomplished. Not only a couple hundred yards of concrete poured, but we finally got some bass in the bluegill pond. In addition, we planted several big trees and lilacs around the west side of the pond, and also threw in some old dead trees for habitat. Cordie created a "beach", so the pond is really shaping up to be a nice getaway. We were expecting a family of geese to call it home, but shortly after hatching out, they moved to a different location and are nowhere to be found. Soon baby pheasants should be making their way to the pond to get a drink and snack on the bugs that hang out there. A line was also dug to the perch pond from the well to maintain the water level.
Kellen also managed to celebrate his 3rd birthday on May 23rd. A good time was had by all-- especially Kellen. He enjoys spending countless hours in his new sandbox built by grandpa and the personal touches added by grandma.
It's currently raining, and it's starting to add up, which isn't all bad. We've gotten about two inches since Saturday, which was needed in preparation for planting food plots. Some of the food plots have been planted and are up, while others are in the ground, but the majority have yet to be planted.
Jamie managed to school Cordie and Marlys one afternoon on the golf course, but for the most part we're probably behind on the team tour. I'm sure there are more face-offs in the future, I'll try to keep you posted. Until next time...

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