Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lady Luck and a fistful of 'eyes

We made the most of an uneventful week and headed to the "Fort" on Friday for a little shore fishing for walleyes. We even got to spend a little time visiting with Brandon our in-house Ranger during and after business hours. Fishing was pretty good, but my wife, the pregnant one, took the prize for most fish caught. As you can see in the picture she even bagged two fish at a time, twice. Everybody got in on the action, but Grandpa finally had to retire Kellen's Pirates of the Carribean pole because he couldn't keep up any more. Unfortunately, most of the fish we caught, probably close to 50, were too small to meet the minimum length limit-- 15 inches. We did come home with 5 keepers though and they made a heck of a meal with the other filets, beef that is. I did test the waters too, after my line snagged just feet from shore with a walleye on the end of the line. It was quite chilly and the fish managed to spit the hook just prior to me grabbing it. Isn't that how it always works?
This week involves more concrete work, and if the weather cooperates spraying and finishing planting food plots, which I'm on my way to do right now. Jamie finished mowing trees yesterday, so mark another chore off the list. Have a good one.

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