Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sunday Service

"And on the seventh day he rested", well actually we worked food plots, and it went pretty well for once. Cordie, Rob, our little helper Kellen, and I got some of the nearly 600 acres broke up. It's been slow going, and later than usual, but what can you do when it rains every other day. Cordie worked some more last night at K&M, but today we shut the crusher down after another .5 inch of rain. We also managed to get some more concrete poured this week between the rain and the food plots.
The pheasants seem to be doing well, but maybe a little behind on their nesting because of the cool wet spring, but the ducks sure do like it. I can't say if the goose enjoys it much at K&M, but she has yet to abandon her nest. We'll see the fruit of her labor here in a couple of weeks if everything works out alright. I'll try to get a few pictures and put them up when the magic happens.

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