Friday, May 8, 2009

SD Maydays

I was privileged enough to take Rob, and meet my friend "Bob" at an undisclosed location for a day of bowfishing and morel mushroom hunting. Any "shroomer" knows that it's often tough to get other "shroomers" to give up their favorite picking spots, and this was no exception. After spending a couple of hours shooting Bigmouth Buffalo with our bows, "Bob" swore us to secrecy and blindfolded us before entering one if his areas for the coveted morels. I've had morels before, but had never hunted for them, and Rob being a Chicago boy, and not much of a mushroom eater, we were both unsure of what to expect. "Bob" found the first morel several minutes into our hunt and called us over to make sure we knew what we were looking for. After our brief lesson and another lecture on secrecy we blazed a trail filling our bags with the tasty morsels. After about an hour or two of picking we decided to head out happy with our catch of the day. "Bob" said the mushrooms are just beginning to take off, and the next couple of weeks should be pretty good.

What about the fish you say? Those bigmouth buffalo are a hoot to shoot, and "Bob" was nice enough to take the hard part of cleaning. Buffalo ribs like you've never had them before. I have had them before, and they're not bad, even though I'm not much of a fish eater. The biggest one tops out at 40 lbs, and the others range from 27 to 36 lbs. There were many others that didn't make the picture, and there were definitely more misses than hits especially from a couple of rookies like Rob and myself. Lots of fun and another thing you can add to the list of things to do in May. So much to do, and so little time, but I look forward to the morels and any dish that we decide to pair them with. I think it will be steak tomorrow night, and after that maybe some wild turkey, and then maybe some buffalo ribs, the possibilities are endless.

People sometimes ponder why anyone would live in SD, but it doesn't take long to figure out if you've experienced some of the things we have in the past couple of weeks. Sure the weather is sometimes a little nasty, but it can also be some of the best weather anywhere. May is only one month out of the year, and between turkey hunting, fishing, mushroom hunting, and golf, there's hardly time for anything else especially when you throw work into the mix, and there's plenty of that to go around.

Happy hunting for whatever your quarry may be.

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