Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trees, mud and more mud

It's been a busy couple of weeks since my last post. We finally got out and got some work done, but it's been a mad scramble between pouring concrete, and running back and forth planting trees and getting food plots worked. Cordie hasn't touched a food plot yet, but it looks like the weather may cooperate and he should get a chance tomorrow through the weekend. We finished our tree planting for the year, and got in 3000 Rocky Mountain Junipers last week. Robert and I finished it off yesterday by trying a few Cottonwoods up to the Dam. We also planted a few willows near one of the dugouts on the preserve for a test plot. We'll see how they do, and if it works out we may plant more in the future.
The weather has definitely affected the work we're getting done. Last week it was nearly 90 degrees on Thursday and on Friday night it snowed about 2 inches. We woke up to a snow covered landscape on Saturday, but it didn't take long for things to melt, and more rain came Sunday.
We have managed to get several grain bin slabs poured with more on the schedule, but farming will be the priority for the next several days. If I'm lucky the work will include a fish transfer or two, and I may even be able to slip out and try to fill a turkey tag.

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