Friday, April 3, 2009

Fire and Ice

We burned the old junk pile at the home quarter yesterday. A couple of old sheds and a lot of other junk that tends to accumulate on old farmsteads went up in flames with a little diesel fuel coercion from our in-house arson, Jamie. The temperatures (20 F) and a foot of snow on top of everything slowed the process a little, but as you can see in the picture, once it got going things warmed up in a hurry. There was plenty of stuff left when it was all said and done, so we'll sort and continue to pile and do it all over again someday. The plan is to eventually get it all cleaned up and rid the area of places to harbor skunks, rabbits, and lose the occasional downed pheasant.

It looks like the weather is going to change again. We're supposed to get a wintry mix of rain/snow starting tonight through tomorrow. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-12 inches is in the forecast.

On another note, there was a proposal to the Commission of the SD Game, Fish and Parks to lengthen the regular pheasant season by a week. The season generally ends the first Sunday in January, but this would have extended it to the next Sunday. The Commission voted against the proposal, which is the same they have done with the last several proposals. The season is steeped in tradition and tough to change even in the slightest. This really does not affect us since we have the preserve which allows us to hunt until the end of March.

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