Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness

That blizzard I talked about in the last post arrived yesterday afternoon. It's finally thinking about letting up now. It's hard to tell how much actual snow fell since most if it was blown into four foot drifts with 35 mph winds. The forecast was for 6-10 inches, and my best guess is somewhere in there. As you can see in the picture, the lodge turkeys made it through just fine, although I'm sure roosting in that tree last night could not have been that much fun. They showed up for their usual meal this morning. Just in case some of you were worried (Mr. Hildebrand) that the turkeys you saw in the newsletter were the lodge turkeys, here's proof that they're still alive. With the Spring Turkey season opening in only a few weeks, I can't promise that they will still be around come fall. The pheasants should have been alright also, since they were pretty fat and happy going into the storm, and that seasoned closed today so I guess they're safe until fall (at least from us). In a few days most of the snow will be melted off, but it looks like we have another chance for moisture over the weekend, and this time of year you never know how it will fall.

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