Saturday, June 26, 2010

They sure do grow up fast...

Everyone has heard this especially if you raised kids of your own, but no where is it more true than in nature.  I happened to bump into the set of whitetail twins that I found nearly a month ago.  Quite a difference between those first days when it was difficult for them to even get up and keep their legs under them, but now they're up and running covering 40 yards quicker than even the fastest athletes.  What a difference thirty days can make. They still know their best defense is to lay motionless and stay close to where their mother leaves them.  Mother does know best.  Not even a deerfly bite in the eye can make them flinch.

The pheasants seem to be growing just as fast also, but we'll be running into quite the variety.  I've seen a couple broods that have grown nearly as big as a partridge, and some have not even hatched yet.  No pictures yet, but I'll try to roust up a few and capture them as they develop into that long-tailed cackling rooster.

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