Monday, June 21, 2010

Who gives a hoot?

We do.  With all the rain that we've received lately it's been a little tough to plant food plots, but we did manage to find some time and some land that was dry enough on Fathers Day.  The majority of the planting is done although we've still got plenty to do. With another shower on Sunday night the new plantings got a good soaking (not that they needed it), but the rest of the planting will be pushed back a few more days. 

While Cordie planted away I managed to slip out and look for some photo-ops, and found this young great-horned owl in the pond on "Old 16-North" as we like to call it.  It's sibling was sitting nearby on another downed, and drowning tree, but was hidden by the grass.  As I snuck closer for a better shot they quickly took to the air and a drier and safer spot in one of the still standing Cottonwood trees.   One of the parents perched nearby and with more of my annoying movements they all soon took to a different area.  
If I don't blink, you can't see me.



  1. Cool! Your really getting some nice shots with your new lens. When are you going to post the baby deer photos?

  2. Pretty good pictures Casey! Looks like we are getting another heavy dose of rain right now, so the water isn't going away anytime soon. The missouri river is already so high, that the campground where Brandon works and many others in the area are closed and will be for some time now. Hard to believe we were in a drought not too many years ago!

  3. Working on a new entry with those pics. It should be up soon. Thanks for the comments, and the recommendations on the lens.

    So does that mean that Brandon has a few days off, Abb?
