Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You and me against the world

So far so good.  We finished mowing trees last week and planting food plots.  Mother Nature has tested us this year, but so far things are looking good.  Kellen and I had no problem finding a pheasant chick to take a quick picture with.  While mowing there were plenty among the trees causing us to stop often while they scurried in and out of cover.  We even found hens that were still nesting, so that means more to come.


We've been seeing broods of all sizes ranging from a few per hen , to as many as 16.  In about a month the SD GF&P will begin brood counts, but it looks as though we could be in for some high numbers. 

Speaking of high numbers, the State released their survey numbers for the 2009 pheasant season.  Lyman County was second in pheasants harvested with over 90,000 roosters taken.  Over 1.6 million birds were harvested throughout the state.  If things continue down this path it should be even more in 2010.

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