Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not Since 1959!!!

The SD Game, Fish & Parks attempted to raise the daily limit of rooster pheasants to 5 for the remainder of the season; something that hasn't been done in 50 years. The Department explained that because of the abundance of roosters and the lack of harvest of fall row-crops, which inhibited the harvest early in the season, this years population could easily sustain the extra harvest. The Commission vote did not receive enough aye votes for the emergency rule to pass. If the rule would have passed we would have been allowed to take 5 roosters a day from Saturday, December 5 until the end of the season. We could have taken on the additional harvest, but I guess we'll just do it three birds at a time, and carry over what's left. Right now that's looking like plenty, but with a month left in the season we'll do our best to put a dent in it. Anybody interested in helping can check the dates at the Inn with the boss.

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