Friday, December 18, 2009

Went huntin' with Dad and all I got was this lousy Jackrabbit...

Not to be confused with the "big hoppin' coyote with lots of ears".

We weren't really hunting for anything other than the jumpin' jacks, but we could have shot our limit of pheasants, which we've been doing plenty of. We tried to put a dent in the rabbit numbers, but success was low. We'll continue working on them for the next couple of months and try to save as many trees as possible.

We're winding down on the regular season with a few small hunts planned along with the family hunt, and there are a lot of birds left , as is apparent in the photo below (click on it to see a larger image). We'll continue plugging along, and when the regular season closes we'll work on the preserve and knock as many out there as we can. Lots left there, too, not sure what we're trying to save other than the pheasants from themselves.

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