Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dig, Dug...dogs?

After four days of crummy weather we finally managed to dig our way out. I think we were actually spared some. Reports of 20 inches of snow fell in Murdo and Mitchell, but we're pretty sure we did not get that much. Our best guess puts us somewhere around 10-12 inches, but the wind blew 30-40 mph, with gusts nearing 50 and 60 mph, so it left us with some good drifts. We took the snow removal a day at a time and pretty much finished up yesterday. It put a dent in every one's Christmas plans, but we survived and managed to gorge ourselves on the prime rib, turkey, ham, and anything else that got in our way.

The pheasants managed to do alright also. Cordie and I managed to get out the last couple of days and check it out. Lots of drifting snow, with lots of pheasants scratching to get to the food underneath it. We found two dead roosters and 2000 live ones, so I think we came out of this one OK. We'll know more by the end of the week, with our friend from PA to shoot all week and the family hunt beginning Thursday that should give us a better idea of how we really did. The biggest problem that we've found so far is getting around. We've been working on our winter driving skills- Cordie driving, me shoveling. I hope we get that ironed out soon also.

Happy Holidays to everyone. Be safe.


  1. I wonder who is having the most fun in the snow tunnel


  2. I think both Grandpa and Grandma had fun, along with everyone else. We stretched the snow removal out for three days to make it seem like more fun and not all work.

    Thanks for the comment.
