Monday, September 21, 2009

When 30 seemed so old

Article by Marileen Tilberg, Editor of The Onida Watchman (and good friend of Casey and Jamie!)

Husband Darell and I were among over 100 guests at a surprise birthday party for Casey Griffith, former Sully County Conservation Officer. His wife Jamie definitely surprised him with a party three weeks after his 30th birthday. Guests were hiding at their lodge in Presho before Casey arrived. They included former college roommates, people who he had worked with, friends and relatives. His actual birthday came a couple of days before their baby daughter Claire was born, so there was no time for a party then. Congratulations on a little sister for Kellen, for surviving college, your GFP career, marriage, a family, and your many hunting trips in 30 short years! Way to pull off a surprise Jamie!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was surprised. Thanks to everybody for showing up and thanks to my wife and family for all the work they did to pull it off.

