Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And then there were three

I attended the annual dove hunt, hosted by good friend Bob Karlen, and the shooting was as good as usual. Normally, there are about 10 of us that get together for an evening shoot, and then a lot of food and a few beverages. Jason and Bob said this is the 13th year that they've done the hunt together. I believe it was the 6th year for me. It took on a little different tone this year, but we still had a good time, and the food and drinks weren't bad either. I did manage to bag the "golden dove", which I hope has nothing to do with killing the goose that laid the golden egg. In fact, I didn't realize there was anything different about the dove until Sully brought it back to me. Not sure if this one laid any golden eggs, but it too was no different on the inside, but it sure ate like a million bucks, along with the rest of them. There are still a few doves around, but it looks like the weather is going to get cool and wet towards the weekend, which generally sends the birds south. Here's to good friends and the beginning of fall.


  1. What a great hunt and with Casey killing the white Dove it was unbelievable.

  2. Thanks to Bob for hosting the hunt.
