Friday, September 18, 2009

It has begun...

Kellen's ready, how about you? We got out yesterday with our first clients, the Boone's, a father/son combo from Missouri. I don't think they were disappointed and either were we. Lots of birds, and more to come with so many that you can't tell what they are. The boys shot decent, but wished they would have done better. Don't we all? It only took a few walks and they had their limit. It's always a little tough with only two guys because you know lots of birds are running around you, but we managed to get it done.

Marlys and Jamie headed to Sioux Falls and put a dent in the future supply run. Just the basics for now to get us by, until we make the big run. They also managed to do a little extra shopping for Kellen, Claire, and themselves. As you can see Kellen wasted no time in trying out his new duds. I've got a feeling that it won't be long and I'll have a full-time assistant. He's already got it figured out that I'm hunting about everyday from here on out. I hope you're looking forward to it as much as he and I.

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