Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Arrival(s)

I know that I'm way behind, and many of you have been waiting to see pictures of our new baby Claire, among other things, but I promise if you stay tuned in the next couple of weeks, I'll have a lot to post about. Due to computer errors and everything else, I have not been very prompt about updating everyone about what's been going on, but that's about to change.
Claire Judith was born on Monday, August 24th at 3:07 PM. The Dr. had predicted a couple of weeks earlier that the baby could come at any minute, but no minute was soon enough for Jamie, so between her and the Dr. they decided that she would be induced that Monday morning. The labor was fairly uneventful, and mom felt much better after a dose of the good stuff. Soon after, Claire was born. Weighing in at 8lbs 15oz., and 19.5 inches long, there really could not have been much more room for growth.
We found out this past Friday at her 2-week appt. that they may not have stretched her quite enough because she is now measuring over 21.5 inches long. Her weight is doing just fine also at 9lbs and 7oz. Everyone is doing fine at home including big brother Kellen. He likes holding, kissing, and talking to her, but we'll see how long that lasts.
Not to be outdone, somebody else has finally gotten in the grandbaby race. Abby and Brandon are due to have their first in March. Everything is going well so far, and everyone is excited for the next baby to enter the Snake Den gang. I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma would be completely happy if we all kept rolling one out every six months or so. Only one team left to join the race???

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