Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Coming out of retirement

We managed to talk her into dusting off the old boots and shouldering the gun again for the first time in about four or five years.  Jamie helped Bob and Jahn of PA corner a few ringnecks for a fun afternoon hunt.  She managed to bag one solo bird and miss a few others, but what can you expect.  All the girls used to hunt, but lately it's been only Abby the last several family hunts.  Jamie hung her hat up once Kellen was born, but we drug her along the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Stacie was "citified" or something shortly after she left for college. Not sure there's a better way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon in November than shooting a few roosters, especially when the temps get into the 50s.  It hasn't been the same since, but nothing to really complain about either.  It is December for crying out loud.  It looks like we'll get into the 40s once again, and then a chance of snow for the weekend.  Two more weeks jammed packed with hunters, and then things start to slow down.  In less than a month the season will be over.  Didn't we just get started?

It's been good, and it looks like things will be good through the end.  Who knows what "Old Man Winter" will bring, but so far so good.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Cordie failed to pull the trigger on a buck this year, so it's tag soup until we shoot some does for camp meat in the extended anterless season.  Plenty of them around so it should be a good, fun hunt.


  1. You forgot to mention that I didn't just bag him, I shot his beak off. Nice to be out of retirement! -Jamie

  2. wow, replaced already!!!lol
    well, its been a great ride anyway. im sure you will do well with the lodge from here!!!!
