Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like...

...the end of the pheasant season.  The birds are bunched up in the good cover and wary as heck.  They've been given the week off, at least from us.  We'll celebrate Christmas in the Black Hills over the weekend, and then next weekend give'em heck when the family arrives.  Here is a few pictures that I managed to snap this morning while out and about.  I had no problems finding pheasants, and a few other wildlife, but couldn't manage to get any good pics of much other than the pheasants. 

 A rooster takes refuge in a tangle of frosted trees. 

 A roadside ringneck.

Two roosters pick'in and grin'in.

The flock leaves it's winter sanctuary.

A little snow is scheduled to fall over the next several days, but it doesn't sound like it's going to amount to much.  We'll have a white Christmas either way.  Merry Christmas to all of you and a Happy New Year.  Best wishes in 2011. 

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