Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plethora of Puppies

They're here.  Brandon, John Wayne, and I made the trip to pick out our new pups.  Not much choice in my case since there was only one male in the litter. I was plenty happy though.  John Wayne was actually picking for Frank, and Brandon didn't take much time latching onto a cute little female that picked him.  We're still working on names, but my family has pretty much decided that ours will be called "Trigger", and I can't seem to come up with anything better, so it will most likely stick.  Brandon was also undecided, but probably got some help once he got home.  A few weeks of whining and potty training, and then we can move on to the more serious stuff.  Before we know it we'll have them in the field next year retrieving their first rooster.

Kellen and Claire latched on quickly as most kids do.  I'm sure when he starts knocking them down and chewing on their ears they'll have a little different perspective on that cute little ball of fur.  All the pups seemed to be in great shape, so we'll do our best not to mess them up and bring them up right.  That's all we can do along with getting them in the pheasant fields for tons of fun.  Lots of things to look forward to.


  1. Just so that you know, we decided to name our puppy Lexi. She is getting along well here at the Bacon home. Jack is teaching her the ropes here, and she is reminding him that she doesnt quite know the rules yet. :) We are all learning! Cant wait to see them all grow up together! :)

    Abby, Brandon, and the rest of the Bacons :)

  2. cant wait to see the pup!!!! Danny is coming out with me, and he is panicking about a name.

