Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Venison Victory!!

Sure I didn't have to fill my tag on the opening day of rifle season, but I saw an opportunity and took it.  Besides that who knew if I'd get another one.  Not a great buck, but definitely respectable and a mature deer.  He attempted to fool me and other hunters by bedding down in some waist-high CRP, but I got lucky and happened to walk right up on him after failing to find him in the binocs.  He took off running leaving me with one shot.  Not one I usually take, but it was my only choice in this case.  I was lucky once again and rolled him with one shot.  Kellen held a leg while I field dressed him, and asked when we could eat him.  I sent him to the locker plant for summer sausage because of time constraints, but more tags will be filled, and soon we will have fresh backstrap on the grill. 

There's a lot of good deer in the country and Cordie, John Wayne, and Brandon have tags to fill yet, along with an archery tag for me.  A couple more does with either the bow or rifle and the freezer should be full.  The rut is in full swing, and the weather is turning more winter like which should provide for a good setting on bagging a big one.  We'll keep you posted.

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