Monday, September 10, 2012

Shooting Shirts Finally Available


The above shooting shirts will be available for the 2012 Hunting season.  If you would like one please email me ( or cordie ( the size, color, and quantity of shirts that you would like.  They are available in Brown, Khaki, or Olive.  They are made by Tri-Mountain, and are a lightweight, vented shirt.  They are $60.00.  Thanks.  We will be placing an order early next week for arrival by the Season Opener.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Green may be an overstatement

Everybody needs a little motivation now and then, and yesterday I received a reminder that I had most likely made a promise to put some pictures up of the landscape and fields around here when they were nice and green.  Well, I missed the boat this year by about two months, but here's a few snippets of some sunflowers as they leave their prime and head toward drying out and soon, harvest.  Precipitation has been nearly non-existent since the middle of June, but things have survived fairly well considering the conditions.

Temperatures throughout the spring and summer have been above normal, and precipitation has been severely below normal.  With many days in the 100s and the majority of the remainder in the 90s, it's been a scorcher to say the least.  I think the pheasants survived fairly well, since they seemed to be ahead of schedule with the hatch.  The birds were in good shape with the mild winter, and favorable spring conditions through the nesting season.  The brood counts will be released sometime in the next couple of weeks.  Those counts are the basis for nearly every prediction made on how the season will be.  I have a feeling though that the counts will not accurately reflect the actual numbers this year.  We have noticed that it has been hard to get a consistent count on birds on any given morning, and conditions for a good road count have been hard to come by.  Only time will tell and in a couple weeks we'll be stomping through the cover on the Preserve and should have a better handle on how the season will shape up.

Several other factors will shape the season, as more CRP (Conservation Reserve Program-grass) acres are hayed, and an early harvest will remove any standing row crop well before the regular season opener.  The fall crops are also marginal at best, and some may not even see the combine, but will be plowed back into the ground.  Food may be scarce come winter, along with good heavy cover.  It should make for an interesting season, but we look forward to it and hope you all do as well.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our own March Madness

Kellen places third at Regions to advance to State.

It's been a crazy month as we attempt to cram as much fun and family activities into the time we have remaining before things get busy again.  The weather is telling us that it is time to go back to work again, but we're trying to hold out for just a bit longer.  With temperatures near 90 degrees though, things are starting to dry up and green up, and not just from St. Patrick's Day. 

Kellen managed to place third at his regional tournament a couple of weeks ago, so we will travel to Aberdeen this weekend to wrestle in the State tournament.  We're proud of what he has accomplished this year, and look forward to many more years of him and hopefully his cousins wrestling.  This weekend will be good experience, if nothing else, for him and his mom and dad.

Jamie and I just returned from Atlanta, after catching "The Boss" on his opening night of his "Wrecking Ball" Tour.  It was a great trip and we made the best of an extended weekend.  Cordie and Marlys are preparing a golf outing to Mississippi to battle his brother, Delvin for the family cup.  It should be a great end of the month and prepare us for the work ahead.

We're waiting ever so patiently for things to dry up just a little more before we drop that plow in the ground and begin to disc food plots.  It looks as though we will be able to get that done before we head out to start our concrete work for the summer.  There's plenty of that lined up also, so things should move along quite quickly as we progress to another fall.  I can't wait already.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Here we go again...

On somewhat of a whim I provided myself with another project for the winter and upcoming year.  I gave my wife short notice when I told her that I had talked with a breeder and had a chance to pick up a male chocolate lab pup.  I told her I had not made up my mind yet, but I think she knew different, and felt that her thoughts would have no bearing on the pup I was about to obtain in the matter of a few short days. 

I had talked to Thad Lambert of Round Lake Kennels on Friday and told him I was interested in getting a pup, but was not completely sure of all the details.  Thad made me a deal on the only remaining male left in the litter and told me I had the weekend to think it over.  Sunday came and I decided to go for it, and on Wednesday met Thad in Sioux Falls to pick up "Tug".  Kellen came up with the name, and Jamie and I hadn't come up with anything, so "Tug" it would be, or as Claire likes to say "Rugga-Tug" .  The paperwork will most likely read "Snake Den's Rugged Tug", which Claire shortened.

So far Tug has made it to Show-n-Tell and the Daycare, but it his time afield has been limited.  Not because of the horrible weather though.  The winter has been pretty non-existent for the most part, and I'm sure the birds are enjoying the heck out of it, as have we.  Although it has cut our mountain lion hunt to none, and less coyote calling than was planned, but we have been getting a few remodel projects done.  We should have the larger one of the two completed next week.

There is still plenty of time for winter, and getting Tug to the field.  We've also been spending most of our nights and weekends enjoying some wrestling.  Kellen has been doing well, and the high school season is nearing its end with the State tournament at the end of the month.  I may try to get some pictures of Kellen up soon if it works out.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Great endings to a great year

So maybe the family hunt wasn't as spectacular as it has been in the past, but we still managed to have plenty of opportunity and have a great time.  Over the course of three days we averaged 16 guns and nearly killed a limit each day with Friday being the best.  We claimed our limit that day with a few birds left in the end of the food plot for next year.  A good time was had by all with some great shots, some great misses, and plenty of "razzing" for everybody.

After a great pheasant hunt on  Friday a few of us slipped out to try calling coyotes.  John Wayne got  a new call for Christmas (thanks Santa), and couldn't wait to try it out.  We had time for two calls, and after coming up empty on the first call, we connected on a double as the sun set.  Dalton caught a glimpse of the pair as they disappeared about 200 hundred yards out.  We had time to resituate just before they reappeared at one hundred yards.  We decided to try for both, so on the count of three we squeezed.  I may have anticipated a little too much, but we both scored as you can see in the picture above.  That conclued another great day at the Snake Den.  One big male accompanied by a female, with several 'yotes howling in the background. 

The New Years party was a little quieter than normal, but with more kids and the rest of us getting older that should be expected.  It was a great way to end the year, and we're left with plenty to look forward to in 2012.