Sunday, August 26, 2012

Green may be an overstatement

Everybody needs a little motivation now and then, and yesterday I received a reminder that I had most likely made a promise to put some pictures up of the landscape and fields around here when they were nice and green.  Well, I missed the boat this year by about two months, but here's a few snippets of some sunflowers as they leave their prime and head toward drying out and soon, harvest.  Precipitation has been nearly non-existent since the middle of June, but things have survived fairly well considering the conditions.

Temperatures throughout the spring and summer have been above normal, and precipitation has been severely below normal.  With many days in the 100s and the majority of the remainder in the 90s, it's been a scorcher to say the least.  I think the pheasants survived fairly well, since they seemed to be ahead of schedule with the hatch.  The birds were in good shape with the mild winter, and favorable spring conditions through the nesting season.  The brood counts will be released sometime in the next couple of weeks.  Those counts are the basis for nearly every prediction made on how the season will be.  I have a feeling though that the counts will not accurately reflect the actual numbers this year.  We have noticed that it has been hard to get a consistent count on birds on any given morning, and conditions for a good road count have been hard to come by.  Only time will tell and in a couple weeks we'll be stomping through the cover on the Preserve and should have a better handle on how the season will shape up.

Several other factors will shape the season, as more CRP (Conservation Reserve Program-grass) acres are hayed, and an early harvest will remove any standing row crop well before the regular season opener.  The fall crops are also marginal at best, and some may not even see the combine, but will be plowed back into the ground.  Food may be scarce come winter, along with good heavy cover.  It should make for an interesting season, but we look forward to it and hope you all do as well.

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