Friday, February 10, 2012

Here we go again...

On somewhat of a whim I provided myself with another project for the winter and upcoming year.  I gave my wife short notice when I told her that I had talked with a breeder and had a chance to pick up a male chocolate lab pup.  I told her I had not made up my mind yet, but I think she knew different, and felt that her thoughts would have no bearing on the pup I was about to obtain in the matter of a few short days. 

I had talked to Thad Lambert of Round Lake Kennels on Friday and told him I was interested in getting a pup, but was not completely sure of all the details.  Thad made me a deal on the only remaining male left in the litter and told me I had the weekend to think it over.  Sunday came and I decided to go for it, and on Wednesday met Thad in Sioux Falls to pick up "Tug".  Kellen came up with the name, and Jamie and I hadn't come up with anything, so "Tug" it would be, or as Claire likes to say "Rugga-Tug" .  The paperwork will most likely read "Snake Den's Rugged Tug", which Claire shortened.

So far Tug has made it to Show-n-Tell and the Daycare, but it his time afield has been limited.  Not because of the horrible weather though.  The winter has been pretty non-existent for the most part, and I'm sure the birds are enjoying the heck out of it, as have we.  Although it has cut our mountain lion hunt to none, and less coyote calling than was planned, but we have been getting a few remodel projects done.  We should have the larger one of the two completed next week.

There is still plenty of time for winter, and getting Tug to the field.  We've also been spending most of our nights and weekends enjoying some wrestling.  Kellen has been doing well, and the high school season is nearing its end with the State tournament at the end of the month.  I may try to get some pictures of Kellen up soon if it works out.

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