Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Turkeys Win!!

As close as he would come.

It's been a while, but we did manage to get one day of turkey hunting in.  Armed with our bows this nice gobbler was not giving us a chance, but some others did although we managed to let those opportunities slip through our fingers.  Since the season closed Sunday we'll have to wait until next spring, or at least until this fall.

You lookin' at me?

Maybe it was the intimidating jake that kept them away, but I think it had more to do with the cool, wet spring, and that the turkeys were mostly bunched up.  Any attempts at calling were met with some pretty aggressive calls from the boss hen in any group that came close enough to check us out.  The one single gobbler that came in to kick this jake's butt hesitated slightly, but eventually faced him and was met with an arrow from my bow, but the hit was not fatal and I failed to recover him.

A dancing duo.

This pair of toms also visited our setup in late afternoon, but after several minutes of cat and mouse they managed to pass on the backside of our blind.  Due to some errors in decoy and blind placement we were never offered a shot.  I did manage to snap a few pictures, but not exactly what I had in mind.  It was a good time, but with no more opportunities both Cordie and I will be eating tag soup.  Dalton, John's son, did manage to kill a bird with his bow, so we were not completely skunked.

I also managed to slip south into Nebraska, but things didn't go much better there.  We encountered many of the same problems with bunched up birds and gobblers not interested in coming to a call.  We did manage to scratch out two birds between six hunters, so a poor percentage for turkey hunting fools.

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