Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spring Chickens

A male prairie chicken displays to attract a willing female.

I spent Saturday in a grouse viewing blind, watching one of the best spectacles in nature that South Dakota has to offer. Although the temperature was below freezing it didn't seem to have much of an affect on the grouse, or more specifically the prairie chickens, in this case.

Which will she choose?

I entered the blind an hour before sunrise, which happened to be about 5:20 AM. It wasn't long and I was inundated with several "booming" males getting a jump on the sun and setting up their territories. It was something else to here all the chatter, but not be able to see a bird. It wasn't long and their bright orange air-sacs could be seen through the early morning light.

You wanna fight about it?

Males dance and "boom" to attract a mate, or two.

The "booming" ground is called a lek, which about a dozen males showed up to this weekend. Only three females came in to check them out, but I was too busy trying to watch everything that I missed any actual matings. Generations of these chickens have most likely been coming back to this site for years. It was a great opportunity and I encourage everyone to make an attempt to sit in on this spectacle if they ever get the chance.

I also took video of the morning events, but have not figured out how to put it up. As soon as I figure it out you can find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Great Photos! Love the post and used one of the pics on our blog:) See you all in a couple of weeks!
