Friday, November 6, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

The picture above was taken last year at this time (thanks to Stoney Denny), and for those of you who have been here lately know we're far from snow. We were beginning to wonder what kind of winter it was going to be when we had a skiff of snow during the opening week, but lately we've been having what they call an "Indian Summer". The temps are forecasted to be above 70 degrees today, and we've been dry for a whole week now. We've got a long ways to go before spring, but so far so good.

The combines have been busy lately taking out as much fall crop as fast as they can. It will definitely change the hunting for the better, and we can't complain much about the temps being too warm. We've had a "Carolinas Invasion" with the last couple of groups, and they're certainly not complaining. Between the two there are over 30 hunters from North and South Carolina, with the majority being from the North. Is one better than the other? What's the difference, and where the heck is Hilton Head?

Also pictured above is Cordie's brother, Delvin, who is scheduled to make an appearance some time this weekend. We'll see how long we can get him to hang around.

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