Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Cater to All Kinds

I helped out the last day with the Beimdick boys from MO, all 18 of them. We had a good hunt and many roosters found their final resting place. I believe it was Danny Ross who made the comment that Cordie's sign looks like an entrance to a cemetery, I added that it is- for roosters. A good time was had by all, and I believe all 18 shooters got their fill of a lot of things. They put on a good show while they were here, and it's been that way for ten years.

The weather held out for them, but I can't say it's gonna be that good for the next couple of groups. We've gotten about 3/4 of an inch of rain so far today, and it looks like it could change to snow overnight. Tomorrow looks to be some of the same, but the weekend should be nice. Can't wait.

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