Friday, October 30, 2009

You're my boy Blu

Blu Berry Fujan JH


Blu came to the Snake Den in the fall of 1998, and for those of you who were privileged enough to work behind him, you know what made him so special. Blu had a great nose, was very methodical, and made some of the longest retrieves I have ever seen. He loved people and had no problem cuddling in the goose blind, and was famous for his death roll when you would collar him up to go hunting. He sired around 35 pups, some of which have already made a career working for the Snake Den. Blu was retired in 2006, but his bloodline will most likely be carried forever at the Snake Den.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Cater to All Kinds

I helped out the last day with the Beimdick boys from MO, all 18 of them. We had a good hunt and many roosters found their final resting place. I believe it was Danny Ross who made the comment that Cordie's sign looks like an entrance to a cemetery, I added that it is- for roosters. A good time was had by all, and I believe all 18 shooters got their fill of a lot of things. They put on a good show while they were here, and it's been that way for ten years.

The weather held out for them, but I can't say it's gonna be that good for the next couple of groups. We've gotten about 3/4 of an inch of rain so far today, and it looks like it could change to snow overnight. Tomorrow looks to be some of the same, but the weekend should be nice. Can't wait.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Welcome back

I had the pleasure of spending the last four days with the Struever and Harn group. The two have been hunting together since 1947. I'm pretty certain that makes them the pair that has hunted together the longest among those appearing at the Snake Den. After a couple year hiatus, and missing their usual opening weekend spot they brought along first time bird hunter Jim who is 75 years young, and TG who has been coming with since 2002. I think I remembered all the dates correctly, but a lot were thrown at me. We had a good time, and the boys come to hunt, so when they shot their limit by 1:00 PM one day, they took a run at a few grouse and succeeded by knocking down five. It was a good time and the weather was about as good as you could ask for. We can't ask for much more than that here at the Snake Den.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By the Numbers

Number of Groups: 5

Number of Hunters: 41

Number of Guides: 9

States Represented: 13

Roosters Harvested: 369

Accidents: O

That's what can happen on the famous pheasant fields of South Dakota in a full three days experience with the Snake Den. In addition, one sharptail grouse, one prairie chicken, and four turkeys were harvested. Of course some guys can't leave after three days, and more will come in. The weather ranged from 60 to 78 degrees, a little warm but we'll take it. It was dry and that's all that really mattered, which has not been the case for the last couple of days. A good time was had by all, and that is priceless.

Opening Weekend

Nearly seventy people converged on the Snake Den for the big party before the big hunt. Lots of food and beverages kept everyone happy. Nearly two antelope and 40 pheasants were consumed. Marlys dished up some excellent pheasant chili and fajitas, and topped it off with pounds of antelope chislic. Friends from different groups were able to catch up and make even more acquaintances, along with several father/son combos, including the Severud pair below. This is what it's all about. Another great beginning to pheasant season at the Snake Den.
Thanks to Johnny and Stacie for creating the great invitation for the event.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Young Bucks Hunting Young Birds

Three young hunters joined us at the Snake Den this weekend for the Youth Pheasant Opener. Micah, Noah, and Austin have been having a good time chasing roosters across the countryside. Their dog, Snickers, might be the oldest one in the bunch, but she had a little help from newcomer, Misty, a Visla, which Lloyd kept control of. Under the guidance of Lloyd and Leroy, Cordie's cousins, they scratched out a limit on Sunday, and came up one short on Saturday. They're looking forward to another day of it tomorrow, and hope the rain will hold off until they're done. Don't forget to do your best to take a kid hunting.

The Louthian group is also here this weekend from South Carolina. The guys hunted in the rain yesterday, and took advantage of the beautiful day today and knocked out two hunts in one day. The forecast is calling for rain tomorrow, so they're planning on spending their last day doing a little sight seeing out west through the Badlands and then Mount Rushmore.