Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Midsummer Getaway

We took Kellen to St. Paul last weekend to hang out with Johnny and Stacie. While there we visited the MN Zoo, where Kellen got to feed this giraffe. A good time was had by all. We also spent time at the Mall of America, or "America" as Kellen called it. He enjoyed all the rides, especially the bumper cars he got to drive all by himself. We also got to check out the huge Cirque Du Soleil tent outside of Johnny and Stacie's apartment. Check out a video of it going up here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7OXPYXZnPU.
Not much else happening. Harvest has begun, and John Urban has most of his wheat in the bin, but others are struggling to get things done with wet weather and late ripening wheat. Everything looks good though, especially the pheasants. It's hard to believe that we could actually start hunting the things in less than six weeks. I hope everybody else is as excited as we are. Can't wait to see everybody in a couple of months.

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