Friday, July 3, 2009

...Fish in a barrel

Okay, it wasn't quite that easy, but we did manage to catch the first fish out of the pond at K&M. The Clarke's were here to visit last weekend and Kellen and Joe got in a little fishing, as did Robert and I. We managed to catch a couple of bass and Kellen managed to get in this bluegill. The fish look like they're putting on some weight and growing like weeds. I think it's going to be a fairly productive pond. We've still got some tweaking to do, but I'm sure there will always be that.

We also managed to get in some pretty competitive golf games with the older generation coming out on top. Robert and I managed to win the first game against Cordie and John Lyell, but they got their revenge the next morning, and then topped it off by winning the "rubber match" by adding their ringer, Marlys. It was close, but their short game held us off.

Joe and Kellen had a good time all weekend especially when it started with Grandpa encouraging them to run through the ditches that were flowing with a fresh one-inch downpour. Kellen can't walk by a puddle now without charging through it, no matter where we are. All in fun right.

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