Monday, February 18, 2013

Changes Abound

Here is a quick look at some of the changes we have just announced.  This is a copy of the letter that Cordie sent out to our group leaders this week.  We are looking forward to the challenges and excitement that 2013 will bring.

Like one old guy said to the other, "looks like we are going to make  green grass".   With that in mind we better start doing some of this, or it will be time to go to work and we will not have it done. 
      As most of you already  know,  the business of agriculture has been changing  faster in recent past, than ever before.    Land prices in Lyman Co.  have doubled in the last five years and tripled in the last twenty.   Cash rent has went from $30 per acre to $75 and every day we hear about a new high.    So what does this have to do with us, and why am I telling you about it.   The hunting business has to compete  with these prices in order to continue to have good hunting.    What I am trying to tell you is the price of hunting is going up.    I would like to think we have been very competitive in our prices for what we offered,  so hopefully we have a little room to move.    The new rates are posted on our web page but  when it is all said and done it will cost you another fifty bucks a day to hunt here.   We are changing the deposit from $75 per gun per day to $100, so you need to inform your group that the deposit for a three day hunt will now be $300 per gun and the total cost will go from $900 to $1050.
     So what else is new,  it is all good.     Everybody here seems to be in good health, knock on wood.   I am sure every one of you knows someone with an illness that has run up a million dollars worth of Doctor bills.  Our winter has been good, no really bad storms.   We are a couple of inches ahead of last year in the moisture department, hopefully that trend will continue through  the year.    I took out my first load of corn last Thurs.  They were  forecasting   a snow storm for the weekend and  we wanted the birds to have a little cushion.
      With Jimmy Stockton's story in mind about grandchildren, I will tell you briefly;   Kellen has been kicking butt in wrestling.     He seems to be extremely competitive and hates to lose.  I have no idea where he gets that from, I keep telling him it doesn't matter who wins,  "just have fun".  The other three seem to be out of the same mold and I can't wait to see them all "just have fun"
   One other happening  that will affect all of you.  We have leased another hunting operation:  2500 acres, two houses,  some farming equipment, and a lot of really good deer hunting.  The only way you might notice is hunting that property at some point or going to the preserve that we are going to have on that property.  Last year we had more interest in"two a days" and preserve hunts than we could handle on a dry year.    They killed more wild birds on this property last year per acre than we did on ours.   A lot of it is on the creek and they had water on most of it.    Your hunting will be better!!

      Casey is getting geared up to become a farmer,  he is going to farm all of our ground, lease a couple hundred acre's , and plant all of our food plots.  You have all heard the story about not being able to get the smile off the guys face, that is  Casey.   I  am not sure if it is because he gets to be a farmer or that he no longer has to pour concrete with his father-in-law.   Now we have another reason for it to rain.

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