Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still a Few Out There

Are you kidding me!! It's been more than a month since I posted and I see there are still people checking back every so often to see how we're doing and what's been going on. I apologize for being out of the loop for so long. We have been busy getting a lot of stuff done, but the list never seems to get any shorter. There's a lot left to do and before you know it the Preserve season will be closed and we'll be pouring concrete.

A lot has been going on, just not much in the way of hunting and other fun stuff. The outside of the new house/lodge is nearly complete with only a couple of special windows and a small siding job left. Plumbing, electrical, and heating are being completed on the inside, and then we move onto the fun stuff. The moving van dance has been attempted several times with Cordie and Marlys' stuff being moved out, moved into whichever nook and cranny it will fit, and Jamie and I are still shuffling our stuff around as we try to get settled in the new/old house. To top it off, it's been great weather for moving. Snow, wind, rain, who said it wasn't fun to move in SD in January and February.

The birds have been putting up with it also, and hopefully holding up well. We haven't had a whole lot of time to keep track of them, but so far so good. I'm sure they are looking forward to Spring as much as we are. I'm sure when the weather straightens out we'll give'em a run for their money just to see how their holding out. Anyone interested in joining us can give us shout.

I hope everyone received their Holiday cards. I know that I have received a few of them back with wrong addresses and what not so I will do my best to keep them updated. Thanks for checking in.

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