Friday, February 21, 2014

End of Year Wrap-up!!

Yes, I know it's been a while, but I've been busy (for the most part).  I'll try to continue to update everyone on a few things as they happen, but I thought I would do a little recap on how the year went.  With the introduction of our deer hunts, I thought I would start there.  We had a successful year, with five clients with buck tags, and all of them filled.  Below are a few of those pictures along with those of us at the Lodge that filled our tags.  Abby killed her first deer, which was a nice 4 x 4.  Cordie was able to fill his tag with Kellen in the blind next to him, and both Brandon and I took nice deer off of some ground that we pheasant hunt from.  The two racks that you see on the tailgate are what were left of the deer from two of our clients after they had taken them to the taxidermist to be caped.  Very respectable deer, with most in the 130-150 inch class.  We'll continue to work towards improvement on this end of the business, and expect the deer numbers to hold steady or increase due to mild weather conditions and habitat improvement in our area.

We did have a very good year, even though it started out a little rough.  It did finally quit raining and harvest was eventually completed and it led to some pretty decent hunting.  The pheasants should be in good shape entering the spring, but we have plenty of time for a disastrous storm.  We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best for a good spring hatch.

I hope everyone is staying sane and healthy with the wacky winter weather that has bombarded parts of the country that are not used to it.  We're wishing you well and hope to see everyone for a happy return in the fall of 2014.  I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on the happenings at the Snake Den.