Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Great endings to a great year

So maybe the family hunt wasn't as spectacular as it has been in the past, but we still managed to have plenty of opportunity and have a great time.  Over the course of three days we averaged 16 guns and nearly killed a limit each day with Friday being the best.  We claimed our limit that day with a few birds left in the end of the food plot for next year.  A good time was had by all with some great shots, some great misses, and plenty of "razzing" for everybody.

After a great pheasant hunt on  Friday a few of us slipped out to try calling coyotes.  John Wayne got  a new call for Christmas (thanks Santa), and couldn't wait to try it out.  We had time for two calls, and after coming up empty on the first call, we connected on a double as the sun set.  Dalton caught a glimpse of the pair as they disappeared about 200 hundred yards out.  We had time to resituate just before they reappeared at one hundred yards.  We decided to try for both, so on the count of three we squeezed.  I may have anticipated a little too much, but we both scored as you can see in the picture above.  That conclued another great day at the Snake Den.  One big male accompanied by a female, with several 'yotes howling in the background. 

The New Years party was a little quieter than normal, but with more kids and the rest of us getting older that should be expected.  It was a great way to end the year, and we're left with plenty to look forward to in 2012.