Monday, October 24, 2011

Opening Week

Photo courtesy of Ben Weseman
 It's been a good week at the Snake Den, in fact, it's been the best week we've ever had.  All that talk about the bird numbers being down has proved to be mostly untrue, at least in this area.  Overall, I would say that things are less spectacular than they have been the last couple of years, but still very good.  Most areas are excellent, and the rest still beat what you'll find anywhere else in the nation.  There are still a number of fields of row crops that have yet to be harvested, but that also is moving along fine. 

The old dogs are still performing, and the young dogs are coming along nicely.  It's like most things experience generally outweighs youth, but for the most part we're all pleased with where are pups are headed.  The weather has been beautiful, a little warm for me and the dogs, but everybody else is happy.

We're looking forward to the rest of the season, and we hope those that haven't been here yet are also.