Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chomping at the bit

Well, Spring is officially here, but after several days of average temperatures and sunny skies, the wintry weather has returned.  It looks as though it could stay this way through the weekend.  We're only battling a little moisture, cool temps, and wind, which is a lot better than what the NE part of the State is having to put up with.  Another several inches of new snow to go with what hasn't melted yet.  Not to mention the flooding that has already begun.

We've got plenty of work lined up, but until the weather straightens out, we'll be stuck preparing for the onslaught of jobs to be done.  It's time to start putting up the hunting equipment and pulling out the concrete tools.  Although we still have a few days to bag a few birds off the preserve.

Speaking of the birds, they seemed to winter well.  They are definitely spread out, and looking to set up their crowing territories for the ensuing spring fling.  The rest of the wildlife seems to be fairing well also, although I'm not sure that the fox above still has a den after the creek flooded.  We now have two pairs of bald eagles nesting in two different pieces of property.  They are both sitting on the nest as I write this.  I'll try to get some good photos if the sloppy ground will allow it.  I hope everyone else has wintered well, and are looking forward to spring, summer, and of course...fall.  We'll see you then.