Monday, January 17, 2011

There's lions in them thar' hills...

...but we couldn't manage to find one this trip.  We headed for the Hills on Friday, and after an afternoon of scouting and an evening of serious planning, we hit the trail in hopes of coming across the elusive mountain lion.  The weather conditions were horrible at best, but we headed out anyway.  With no fresh snow, and temperatures near 40 degrees, our chances were decreased incredibly.  After two days, we cut the trip short with another day of forecasted rain and no snow. 

All of us found sign on our walk-abouts, but none of it fresh.  Just a couple of inches of fresh snow would have helped considerably, but no such luck this time.  We'll wait for better conditions and hope that the four of us (Cordie, John Wayne, Brandon, and Casey) can get back in the woods.  As of this morning, 22 cats had been harvested.  The quota is set at 45 cats or 30 females whichever comes first.  It looks like at this point that either one could happen with 13 of the cats taken being female.

The pictures posted are a couple that I took while resting on a rock outcropping during one of our journeys into the wilderness.  Some pretty country, and pretty rugged at times also.  We'll tackle it again though if given the chance.  Stay tuned.