Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5-Year Plan

I know it's been nearly a month since I've posted anything, but I promise we've been busy. I even have a few pictures to prove it. Not only has work begun on the new lodge "addition", but we managed to make one of our biggest pours to date. We managed to dump about 121 yards one morning for Sioux Nation in Ft. Pierre. The pour went well, and tested everyone's balance as we catwalked across the rebar. An 18-inch slab takes a lot of rebar. Several other projects have been done and our plate is plenty full with only a couple weeks until the hunting begins.
Below are several pictures of the new addition to the lodge. Nothing will be complete for this year, but the construction has begun on Cordie's new house and additional rooms for hunters. All the concrete will be done, and floor joists on, but the rest of construction will have to wait until the hunting is complete. Needless to say we should have plenty to do in the winter months. We've come across a few surprises along the way, but nothing Cordie didn't kind of suspect. Several large chunks of concrete were removed from an old dump pile that will now support the house and garage, along with a large sheet of metal. We just never know what we'll get into when we start these projects. As Cordie says," I must not have put that in my 5-year plan".
Everything else is going well. The pheasants are looking great along with everything else. The rain keeps coming so things are much greener around here than they usually are in August. It's definitely shaping up to be a great year. Can't wait to see everyone here this fall.

The backhoe digs the footings as Cordie and Kellen supervise

Kellen helps finish the footings

The walls go up

Jamie puts the finishing touches on the walls